About Me

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Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Im a Malaysian, but i havent been Malaysian long enough lately. Was an Indian for 4 and a half years and currently an Indonesian for another 2! Yikes! Studying abroad sucks.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Been busy last week with assignments and stuff

Felt guilty lak tak update

So here's a picture i took at a public phone in front of my youngest sister's school last holidays.

Its an add for computer tuition classes.

I didn't know that berhenti/buang sekolah was even a category

I should call this educationism. Its like racism but just more stupid.

Hehe might as well bagi tawaran camni:

"Kami menawarkan kelas tuition untuk pelajar sekolah, berhenti/buang sekolah, pemalas, remaja tanpa harapan/masa depan, kena buang daerah, mat rempit wannabes, rabun warna, buta IT, terencat dan orang dewasa"

Moral : Kan senang kalau cakap tawaran belajar untuk remaja dan dewasa. Takyah la nak masukkan educationism. LOL!

1 comment:

Soraya said...

hehehe good one..